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Credit: Apple Inc.

I recently upgraded to my first smartphone, an iPhone 4, after much deliberation and I fear I've sealed my fate. There were several thing I required: Makes calls, great camera with a flash, and replace my iPod Touch.  My previous phone had a great camera, which is the main reason I bought it.  Someone once told me: What takes a better photo? the really expensive camera you left at home of the one you have on you? Since then I've always tried to have good camera on my phone. I also grew tired of having to carry around two devices all the time. Being the gadget nerd that I am, I can't bring myself to buy mediocre products. That left me with two choices available in my market. The iPhone 4 and the Nexus One. I ultimately went with the iPhone because of the warranty support and the familiarity with the iOS platform.  

Which brings me to the purpose of this post. Apps. One thing I got used to from my iPod Touch was the apps. I would wake up in the morning a usually check my twitter, facebook, RSS reader apps. I didn't want to have to start all over again with a new OS and not be able to use some of my favorite apps. Now, with the iPhone 4, I have many more apps that I love including Shazam, Geocaching,

Apple and the other manufactures are making their own app store and the longer you use their products the harder it is to get out. It's like they are dealing drugs and I'm jonesin' for another hit.  Perhaps I need to go off the grid for a while and attend some tech rehab....Nahh.


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